Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Future Dispositions Required?

What Core skills do we need to develop in our students to ensure they are future fit?
The team enjoyed a reflective and provocative session with Jeremy Kedian today. The following core skills were deemed essential
*Ability to communicate – interpersonal skills
*Need to develop entrepreneurial skills
*Managing here and now and future. Know how to learn and be equipped with a process of learning
*Adaptability, attitudinal open mindedness

What are your thoughts? What should we be equipping our students with?
We were challenged by a colleague recently to think about the language that had started to emerge within the team to highlights what we stand for and believe in. Interesting as a team how often the words 'mindfulness' and 'learner centred' have bubbled up today. Fascinating observing this shared language emerge quite organically.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Future trends

What education will look like in ten years time: Andre Malan from terrytalks on Vimeo.

Interesting to reflect on the implications of these messages for the primary sector. What stood out for me is that education will be more social, open and real. What is very much on my mind currently is how do we design the school environment to allow for this? How do we design the environment so that it becomes the third teacher or enabler of learning.